Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Myspace Hoax

Something is wrong when an online community can be used to cause a person emotional stress. Furthermore it is disgusting that the mother of a teen would use the power of persuasion with the power of the internet to cause a teenage girl harm. With that being said Lori Drew is a criminal. I think that her daughter and anyone else involved are criminal as well. I only hope that Ms. Drew would understand that she is in part responsible for that girl’s suicide. I am sickened by her conduct to think she would be innocent in any way. Saying that, “It was fine and people do it all the time." Is like assuming that it is ok to rob a store at gun point with the excuse that she was hungry and that people do it all the time. Though the statement is true, those people go to jail. I hope that she gets convicted of the felony conspiracy charges because the extent of the crime really is like pulling the trigger. I cannot imagine what the nerve a person might have to say that the world would be a better place without her in it.

Does the faceless nature of the internet make it easier to say such vile things to people easier? Would the people responsible ever say those things to her face, or even over the phone? For their sake I hope they would. At least with that in mind we can get these people some mental help because it is just plain wrong.

This type of incident only makes me wonder what goes on in these people’s heads. It is like there is no conscious effort to tell the truth anymore. Sad. Where this takes us all in the internet age, I do not know.

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